Mudanças entre as edições de "2013"

De Governança Algoritmos
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CRAWFORD K (2013) [[The hidden biases of Big Data]]. Harvard Business Review. Epub ahead of print 1 April 2013. Available at: (accessed 1 September 2017).
CRAWFORD K (2013) [[The hidden biases of Big Data]]. Harvard Business Review. Epub ahead of print 1 April 2013. Available at: (accessed 1 September 2017).
MAYER-SCHONBERGER, V. and CUKIER, K. [[Big data: a revolution that will transform how we live work and think]]. London: John Murray, 2013.

Edição das 18h21min de 19 de novembro de 2018

BAROCAS, Solon; HOOD, Sophie; ZIEWITZ, Malte. Governing algorithms: A provocation piece. 2013.

CRAWFORD K (2013) The hidden biases of Big Data. Harvard Business Review. Epub ahead of print 1 April 2013. Available at: (accessed 1 September 2017).

MAYER-SCHONBERGER, V. and CUKIER, K. Big data: a revolution that will transform how we live work and think. London: John Murray, 2013.