De Governança Algoritmos
Revisão de 18h53min de 20 de dezembro de 2018 por Joao (Discussão | contribs)

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ANANNY, M. (2016). Toward an Ethics of Algorithms: Convening, Observation, Probability, and Timeliness. Science Technology and Human Values, 41(1), 93–117

ARNOLDI, Jakob. Computer algorithms, market manipulation and the institutionalization of high frequency trading. Theory, Culture & Society, v. 33, n. 1, p. 29-52, 2016.

BAROCAS, Solon; SELBST, Andrew D. Big data's disparate impact. Cal. L. Rev., v. 104, p. 671, 2016.

BELLANOVA, Rocco (2016) Digital, politics, and algorithms: Governing digital data through the lens of data protection, European Journal of Social Theory. DOI: 10.1177/1368431016679167: 1–19.

BILIC, Paško, Search algorithms, hidden labour and information control. Big Data & Society, 2016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2053951716652159.

BURRELL, Jenna. How the machine ‘thinks’: Understanding opacity in machine learning algorithms. Big Data & Society, v. 3, n. 1, p. 2053951715622512, 2016.

CRAWFORD, Kate. Can an algorithm be agonistic? Ten scenes from life in calculated publics. Science, Technology, & Human Values, v. 41, n. 1, p. 77-92, 2016.

DANAHER, John. The threat of algocracy: Reality, resistance and accommodation. Philosophy & Technology, v. 29, n. 3, p. 245-268, 2016. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs13347-015-0211-1.pdf

GOODMAN, Bryce; FLAXMAN, Seth. European Union regulations on algorithmic decision-making and a" right to explanation". arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.08813, 2016.

INTRONA, Lucas D. Algorithms, governance, and governmentality: On governing academic writing. Science, Technology, & Human Values, v. 41, n. 1, p. 17-49, 2016.

INTRONA, Lucas D..Algorithmic Cultures: essays on meaning, performance and new technologies. Seyfert, R. & Roberge, J. (eds.). Oxford: Routledge, p. 26-51 26 p. (Routledge Advances in Sociology). 4/10/2016

JANSSEN, Marijn; KUK, George. The challenges and limits of big data algorithms, in technocratic governance. 2016.

KITCHIN, R and McARDLE G. What makes Big Data, Big Data? Exploring the ontological characteristics of 26 datasets. Big Data and Society. Epub ahead of print 2016. DOI: 10.1177/2053951716631130.

O'NEIL, Cathy. Weapons of math destruction: How big data increases inequality and threatens democracy. Broadway Books, 2016.