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Apresenta-se abaixo até 125 resultados no intervalo #271 a #395.

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  1. Plano de dados abertos.
  2. Policy Planning Using Genetic Algorithms Combined with Simulation: The Case of Municipal Solid Waste
  3. Political legitimacy
  4. Politics and ‘the digital’: From singularity to specificity
  5. Por que Dell EMC para governos estaduais e locais?
  6. Power/freedom on the dark web: A digital ethnography of the Dark Web Social Network
  7. Power through the algorithm? Participatory web cultures and the technological unconscious
  8. Privacy and Big Data: Making ends meet
  9. Produtos Microsoft
  10. Public administration, public leadership and the construction of public value in the age of the algorithm and ‘big data’
  11. Quadro-negro, aprender
  12. Quatro maneiras pelas quais a tecnologia pode incentivar o cumprimento voluntário de impostos
  13. Rage Against the Algorithms
  14. Recursos valiosos do Governo Estadual e Local reunidos apenas para você.
  15. Reflexiones sobre la construcción automatizada de la información: responsabilidad mediante algoritmos
  16. Regulating Black-Box Medicine
  17. Relatório de Inteligência Artificial de 2018 - Uma Revisão Global da IA ​​Comercial
  18. Republica Techeca
  19. Requisite variety and its implications for the control of complex systems
  20. Resolvendo Dívida Técnica em Sistemas de Aprendizado de Máquina Governamental
  21. Resolvendo Dívida Técnica em Sistemas de Aprendizado de Máquina Governamental.
  22. Restoring Transparency to Automated Authority
  23. Review - Growth Centres in Spatial Planning, Housing and Social Policy, the Black Inner City as Frontier Outpost:
  24. Revisão do governo digital da Suécia
  28. SERPRO Edital de IA
  29. Scrutinizing an algorithmic technique: the Bayes classifier as interested reading of reality
  30. Search algorithms, hidden labour and information control
  31. Search engine bias and the demise of search engine utopianism
  32. Seeing without knowing: Limitations of the transparency ideal and its application to algorithmic accountability
  33. Segurança na Nuvem e Conformidade para Agências Federais
  34. Serviços ao cidadão
  35. Serviços de conteúdo Alfresco
  36. Serviços públicos
  37. Serviços sociais aprimorados por meio de tecnologia
  38. Sex, Violence, and Autocomplete Algorithms
  39. Shared Action Plan.
  40. Smart Data – Innovations in Data.
  41. Social media and the public interest: Governance of news platforms in the realm of individual and algorithmic gatekeepers
  42. Social sciences
  43. Speculative futures: Cities, data, and governance beyond smart urbanism
  44. State of urgency: Surveillance, power, and algorithms in France’s state of emergency
  45. Statistical Report on Internet Development in China (January 2016).
  46. Statistical Report on Internet Development in China (January 2017).
  47. Statistical Report on Internet Development in China (January 2018).
  48. Tecnologias inteligentes
  49. Tendências: Big Data e Gov em 2015
  50. Tendências: Big Data é igual a grandes desafios
  51. Terceiro plano de ação nacional.
  52. Teste
  53. The (Big) Data-security assemblage: Knowledge and critique
  54. The Alan Turing Institute - the national institute for data science and artificial intelligence
  55. The Algorithms Beat. Data Journalism Handbook
  56. The Australian Public Service Big Data Strategy.
  57. The Australian Research Data Infrastructure Strategy.
  58. The Black Box Society
  59. The Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy (CAIPP)
  60. The Emergence of Probability
  61. The Glass Cage: Where Automation is Taking Us
  62. The Group Matters: A review of the effects of group interaction processes and outcomes in analytic teams
  63. The Impact of the Social Sciences
  64. The Internet of Things
  65. The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for Ultimate Machine Learning will Remake Our World
  66. The Mercatus Center at George Mason University
  67. The National Artificial Intelligence Research And Development Strategic Plan
  68. The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development
  69. The Politics of Machine-Learning Algorithms
  70. The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations
  71. The Social collectice
  72. The State of Big Data Infrastructure: Benchmarking global Big Data users to drive future performance
  73. The Trouble with Algorithmic Decisions
  74. The algorithmic imaginary: Exploring the ordinary affects of Facebook algorithms
  75. The algorithmic revolution: the fourth service transformation
  76. The algorithmic revolution in the social sciences: Mathematical economics, game theory and statistical inference
  77. The algorithmic turn: Photosynth, augmented reality and the changing implications of the image
  78. The challenges and limits of big data algorithms
  79. The challenges and limits of big data algorithms in technocratic governance
  80. The concept of algorithm as an interpretative key of modern rationality
  81. The danger of a big data episteme and the need to evolve geographic information systems
  82. The digital regime of truth: From the algorithmic governmentality to a new rule of law
  83. The enframing of code: Agency, originality and the plagiarist
  84. The ethics of algorithms: Mapping the debate
  85. The filter bubble: What the Internet is hiding from you
  86. The hidden biases of Big Data
  87. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information
  88. The scored society: Due process for automated predictions
  89. The social power of algorithms
  90. The threat of algocracy: Reality, resistance and accommodation
  91. The trouble with algorithmic decisions: An analytic road map to examine efficiency and fairness in automated and opaque decision making
  92. The ‘rule of law’implications of data-driven decision-making: a techno-regulatory perspective
  93. Thinking critically about and researching algorithms
  94. Toward an Ethics of Algorithms: Convening, Observation, Probability, and Timeliness
  95. Towards a Sociology of Computational and Algorithmic Journalism.
  96. Towards a sociology of computational and algorithmic journalism
  97. Towards the next generation of recommender systems
  98. Transformação Digital da Administração Tributária
  99. Transformação focada no cidadão: como se tornar um governo digital
  100. Tributação e transparência
  101. Três cenários futuros do governo que você pode começar a ativar agora
  102. Três estratégias para promover a segurança cibernética do governo
  103. UNESCO - Regulamentos e legislações
  104. Uber seems to offer better service in areas with more white people. That raises some tough questions
  105. Understanding the role played by algorithms and computational practices in the collection, evaluation, presentation, and dissemination of journalistic evidence
  106. United Nations Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  107. Using interactive management to facilitate a student-centred conceptualisation of critical thinking
  108. Using interactive management to facilitate a student-centred conceptualisation of critical thinking: a case study
  109. Usos do Big Data em campanhas eleitorais
  110. Vermont assina aliança digital com Microsoft
  111. Virtual Migration
  112. Want to be on the top? Algorithmic power and the threat of invisibility on Facebook
  113. We Are Data: Algorithms and the Making of Our Digital Selves
  114. Weapons of math destruction: How big data increases inequality and threatens democracy
  115. What is a flag for? Social media reporting tools and the vocabulary of complaint
  116. What makes Big Data, Big Data? Exploring the ontological characteristics of 26 datasets
  117. Who Controls the Public Sphere in an Era of Algorithms?
  118. Why Google Search Results Favor Democrats
  119. Why Keep a Dog and Bark Yourself? From Intermediary Liability to Responsibility
  120. Why data is not enough: Digital traces as control of self and self-control
  121. Youla parameterized adaptive regulation against unknown multiple narrow-band disturbances
  122. Yuval Noah Harari on big data, Google and the end of free will
  123. ‘Hypernudge’: Big Data as a mode of regulation by design
  124. “Save the Robots: Cyber Profiling and Your So-Called Life,”
  125. “Surveillance as Social Sorting: Computer Codes and Mobile Bodies,”

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